After all the love the puppy blog received we wanted to share that love for our tiny furry little kitten friends! Here are a few insanely cute images of kittens in the garden! I hope that this blog brings a smile to your face! In case you missed the puppy blog make to sure to have a look by clicking here.
It can be hard to select the right products that will not only help your garden flourish but also keep your fury friends and kids safe. Hoselink’s range of organic Australian Made Fertilisers are ideal for keeping your lawn and garden in good shape and keep your pets healthy too
Bird baths are back, and in a big way too! From different designs and styles, to maintenance and keys to success, we run through everything you need to know about bird baths and how to ensure that our winged friends keep returning and making full use out of yours.
On the 3rd March 2022, Australians will be celebrating World Wildlife Day! In support of our amazing wildlife and conservation partners, we want to share how you can celebrate this important date and encourage wildlife to visit your garden
Let’s take a breath from everything going on and appreciate what we have around us. National Threatened Species Day is approaching and it’s a chance to reflect on Australia’s incredible plant and wild life, the threats facing it and what we can do to help